These are fun, comfortable, eco-friendly and if you can catch the sale, inexpensive shoes. I discovered the website from my favorite websale site, Deal News.
Simple Shoes deeply discounts their clearance items and offers free shipping. I bought this pair for under $10! The same day I wore them for the first time, I found a display of Simple Shoes in Neiman Marcus, a practically identical pair was $90.
They are comfortable, well made and made from organic, eco-friendly products, recycled tires and inner tubes! I even got this nifty little sleeve for my laptop for under $5. These retail for around $30.
At one time they had these neat, but somewhat ugly, "Sew it Yourself" shoes for $5 (Retail $90). They came with an instructional DVD, needles, thread and thimbles. Who would pay $90 for shoes you have to make? Not me. But I did pay $5. I admit. They looked like fun! And $5!! I got them for Catherine and Gracie. I envisioned us all sitting around the kitchen table one cold rainy day and sipping cider and sewing our shoes and pretending to be Laura and Mary...and as always, I play the spoiled, high-maintenance Nellie Oleson. 

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