You want as much space as possible and all those various little pockets take up space and only create more places in which to lose things. Theft can be a real issue in some international airports and having one zipper makes locking up your bag much simpler. Also, other belts, clips and ties on the bag can cause problems on the baggage conveyor belts and can cost you extra time and money at the airport, having the bag wrapped in cellophane. I recommend sticking with the most simple, basic rolling duffel you can find. I have a similar duffel without wheels, but once full, it kills my shoulder and thus has rarely left the attic. They come in various lengths. I can, when in the fetal position, almost crawl inside mine and zip myself up. Not that I have tried it...
To find a bag, I recommend searching http://www.pricegrabber.com/ for rolling duffel bags. I have also seen basic ones in the luggage section of T.J. Maxx for $39.99. Mom and Dad got my Pullman, in perfect condition for $10 at a yardsale while in an upscale neighborhood in Whistler, B.C. The cost savings was well worth whatever Canadian germs I may have picked up, and I assume they all fell off somewhere underneath the pile of the other 300 bags on top of it somewhere over the Atlantic. It's not Louis Vuitton, but it really is the best way to go.
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