Aunt Phylis introduced me to Nambe' and I love it. Nambe' was established in 1953 and named for a village near Santa Fe. "Martin Eden, a former metallurgist with Los Alamos National Laboratories, develped an eight-metal alloy that retains hot and cold temperatures for long periods of time". Their unique designs are displayed in art museums all over the world. They now make crystal, dinnerware and flatware. You can find Nambe' at Neiman Marcus and Macy's. There is one tiny, okay, not so tiny drawback with Nambe'. It all used to be made in Northern New Mexico. It is now cast in India or China. They state that it is the same alloy and that the move overseas was a necessity during the current economic times. I am trying not to hold this move against them. Would I rather have overseas Nambe' or no Nambe'? India schmindia.
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