I can't believe I have not remembered to post this one. It is one of my favorite sites for handmade gifts. Whether you just want an idea or are in need of a unique gift, Etsy is the place to go. Sellers from around the world post their handmade items for you to purchase directly from them. They have just about anything you can think of, pottery, jewelry, notecards, baby blankets and onesies, comfy sweaters and scarves, handbags and glass, just to name a few. You can find lots of vintage items too. It is a great place to find an idea and make it yourself. And because they are posted by the artists themselves you can often get a great price. You even have the option to "shop local" if supporting local artisans is important to you. I love getting items from local artists for my faraway friends who want a piece of Georgia to cherish. And who wouldn't? http://www.etsy.com/
This ring ($120) is made in Athens, Georgia:

They offer handmade soaps from Saint Simons Island. Or check out this banana chocolate chip loaf ($8) and these mint oreo truffles($9) made in Marietta!

The choices are endless and the goods are great!
There are over 2 million items for sale, by over 200,000 sellers worldwide. You can even search for items by color. Here is a tiny sample of items you can find:
Ivory Acrylic Rose Necklace ($31)
Italian Wool Scarf ($50)
Earrings ($17)

Clutch ($27)

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