Mom had a few pieces of this on the oak Buffet in the kitchen when I was little. I loved the variety of the bold colors all pieced together and their distinct rings, vibrant colors. When Carla asked what I wanted for Christmas, I tried to think of the most practical thing that I really can use and need. I hate waste and squander and I am incredibly practical. Always at the top of my list is US Postal Stamps. The only other thing I could think of is that I really need are black socks for work, but I already have one pair and I can just wash them more often, so I scratched those off the list. I don't really need anything and everything I want seems to be high ticket items like a flight to Iceland. I thought about it over cereal one morning and took a look at my cereal bowl, chipped, cracked and purchased circa 1995 for my college dorm room. I knew then what I wanted. I looked at the mismatched set of service for 7 (Loren Tankersley, College Roommate- broke a plate and I broke a bowl) all chipped and mismatched. I never made dishes a priority for the same reason I used to refuse to buy anything monogrammed. I am going to get married! And when you get married, people buy you dishes. Don't start feeling sorry for me. A new last name and fine china are nothing for which I am pining away. I just realized, it is time I get some new dishes and I don't think I am going to be visiting the Registry at Nordstrom any time soon. I instantly knew what I wanted. A colorful variety of the classic Fiestaware for everyday dishes. I got them in Peacock Blue with Shamrock Gusto Bowls. They have been around since the 30's and have an expressed Art Deco influence. I think it is classic, love the combination of various colors and find it very reasonably priced. Not as practical as stamps, but a very useful gift. Come visit! Bring 6 friends. P.S. Ralphie's family in The "you'll shoot your eye out" Christmas Story dines on Fiestaware too.

i LOVE you and if i were a man i'd ask you to take my last name. Ha. Thank you for always entertaining me with your literary genius. Peacock-327 was a perfect choice for you I think. :)