Perhaps it was just the high of Outlet Mall shopping, but I fell head over heels in love with this store. You know how you see the adorable little French, Swedish and all together foreign kids in striped stockings, brightly colored Mary Jane's, little bobbed hair cuts and you think, "where do they get this stuff"? I have always wondered where the heck they get these adorable clothes. Surely not all Europeans get to shop at Oilily all the time. But I have now discovered Hanna Andersson and I know now where to get it. Being an aunt, I am in charge of fashion for FOUR children. FOUR of the most adorable, smart, precious, intelligent children in the whole wide world. It is becoming more and more difficult to find really great children's clothing. I refuse to buy them these skimpy, trendy, horrific fads that are out now for kids. They are just children and need not dress like adults or in tacky attire. The styles here are adorable. The baby clothes are just what little babies need to be dressed in, little onesies and crawlers in soft pastel colors. The toddler and children's clothing is comfortable, washable and colorful. And Hanna Andersson has SALES! The outlet store in Williamsburg had tons of racks of things for $5.00 and $10.00. They have stores in Phipps and Perimeter, in Atlanta. www.hannaandersson.com

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