I can't foresee stick straight hair going out of style any time soon. I have been a flat iron fan since the moment I walked out of Vidal Sassoon in 1997. I loved that feeling of swishing hair and until then, my hair never swished. I wanted to use what they used and not waste my money on a cheaper one that didn't work as well. I shopped around online and found the Chi Flat Iron that is used by most salons and it certainly deserves ranking among my favorite things. My first Chi flat iron blew up in Vietnam. Seriously. I plugged it in a 220v outlet in my hotel there and she blew up within seconds. I immediately replaced her with another, but for some reason this one does not have the dial that allows you to set the temperature. I would like the option of setting it a little cooler for days when I might not need quite so much heat. But this one works very well, has lasted a long time and I have learned my lesson on foreign electricity and hope to not suffer any more casualties.
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