I bought a few of these Yes to Carrots Lip Butters at Walgreen's when they were on sale for .99cents and used them as stocking stuffers for Christmas. Getting one of each for myself too. I say you can never have too much chapstick. There really is no replacement for it. Maybe Vaseline. But plain ol' lipstick make dry lips worse, typically and my personal choice, licking your lips makes dry lips way worse. Gross, but true. I kinda have a lot of lip, so I stash these tubes all over the place. In the car (take caution doing this in the ATL), handbag, desk drawer, bathroom drawer, nightstand, cosmetic bag, vanity drawer, and overnight bag to name a few. I think somebody should invent a no melt kind for those of us who live in blistering hot cities. But I have found that these hold up fairly well to the heat. In addition to the Lip Butters (basic chapstick with hints of carrot, mint and stuff like that), they have Lip Gloss and Lip Tint. The Gloss is in a thick tube and is minty and goes on thick. It is good stuff. I like adding the Tint on top of my lipstick.
They are 95% organic, 5% cancer causing really bad stuff. Kidding. It looks like they are 5% stuff that is really necessary to make all the organic stuff stick together. The main ingredient in the gloss is actually what appears to be Castor oil. I have seen and even tasted it in other organic lipsticks. Origins used to use it. But they failed to cover up the harsh taste of Castor oil, Yes to Carrots covers it nicely with Peppermint Oil. I don't really care one way or the other about how organic one product is versus the other. I honestly don't care if it is tested on animals or not either. Well, maybe if they tested it on little sweet kittens that might be disturbing or West Highland Terrier Puppies. And just how do you test lip gloss on a rat anyway? These are things I don't want to even think about.

Target also carries this line and if you swing by the clearance sections at the end of the cosmetic aisle, you just might find a variety of this stuff marked with that lovely orange sticker and get it 75% off! These sets retail from $10-$12. I got mine for $2.49.
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