Betsy, Susan and I used to have the most fun going to this! I have so many stories to tell as a result of my going there with my little blue number in hand on Wednesday nights right after work. I got a lot of amazing deals at this place. Glenda (for the longest time I kept calling her Dorothy by accident- so embarrassing) makes these amazing Southern Living recipe casseroles, salads and pies. A yummy good warm meal is about $6.00.
They USED TO serve free beer, wine and cocktails. The beer and wine were completely free and obvious. The beer is Bud Light and the Wine is horrible Jug Wine, but the beer is in a large cooler and the jug wine on the counter, along with a stack of those little cups they use for punch at weddings, to help yourself. The Vodka was kind of hidden, but the regulars knew where it was and helped themselves and they had cranberry juice in the Fridge. So by 7:00 the auction was in full swing, the air thick with the smells of Glenda's casseroles and the ladies on the front row smiling and laughing with purple Jug Wine stained lips. It is fun just to watch the variety of people who go to this thing. You've got your standard junk selling people that probably came from ALA-BAMA! to buy the stuff no one else would want, to add to their Saturday morning jockey lot table where they also sell AKA registered Shih Tzu's. Then there is the way too Skinny Lady, whose head is too big for her body and smokes Virginia Slims with the hired help out front, in designer jeans buying sit-around stuff made in China for her interior design business. And then there is the lady who looks like a librarian (actually she looks just like Almonzo's sister on Little House on the Prairie) who buys the really old antique stuff, like Head Vases, hat pins and Depression glass for her antique store on the Square in Somewhere, Georgia. 

Steve's the auctioneer and he makes Betsy laugh with his funny little comments about each item and subtle jabs at first time buyers. So, this place is great! It is so much fun! Food's great, people are fun, you get an amazing education on all things antique and some not-so-antique. Betsy used to whisper her own description of pieces even before he brought it up, with the type of wood and estimated era of production, and the like. She loved to use the word "demilune" every chance she got. Like the "Louis XVI Cabinet" seen here:

It was so so so much fun. Until!! One night we were there and the cops showed up...the ATL P.D.! This is getting to be a very long description so I will abbreviate by saying the next thing we know, Susan starts bringing a flask, no more alcohol. We deal with this with no complaints. Then, they move. The move was a good thing because it was a larger building. But the move didn't last. Soon it was shut down altogether! Now they are in Cumming, GA. It's just impossible to get to Cumming from Downtown in the afternoon, so I don't go anymore. But, they have weekend auctions and Estate auctions all the time, all over Atlanta! So if you are in need of anything, not necessarily antique, beds, lamps, furniture of any sort, rugs, paintings, dishes, this is the place to go! http://www.fsagallery.com/
Check their site for a detailed list with photos of auction items, dates, times and locations.
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