So I went there...and despite the extreme embarrassment of this photo and about 100 others out there of me, with no make-up, hair uncombed, no bath in weeks (seriously) and pudgy from my high carb diet of rice and rice. Here it is, me on my way to Ibo Island in a tiny dhow with a boat full of other nut jobs just like me.

There is a really long story here about how we got there and how we got the "hook-up" by name dropping (it's universal) and all about the journey and getting stuck in the sand and Bush men digging us out and sleeping on a soccer field and so much more. But to make it a Favorite Things place, I must promote it as a destination. So, google this place and read about the history and look on for photos and save up your money and Go! There is a beautiful little lodge on the island. I wanted to stay there, but couldn't ditch my dirty friends, so I slept on the ground instead of crisp, clean, white sheets in a canopy bed.

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