I really like this! I won this a few months ago and have just now taken the time to get it out and play with it. I purchased a simple $10 velcro pocket device at Phidipiddes and inserted the sensor on the laces of my Brooks shoes. (Yes, $10 is a lot for velcro, but even if you order one online it will cost that with shipping and I would not trust a homemade device). At first, I had the device upside down and I ran for two miles and it told me I had been .47 miles! But then I switched it to the correct side and it seems to worked perfectly! It can easily be calibrated, so I plan to take it to a track sometime soon. I was impressed with how user friendly it is. You simply plug the receiver into your iPod, place the sensor on your laces (closest to the toe and as tightly snuggled in as possible). You use the screen on your iPod to select your goals. Today I did a 4 mile run. You can choose a time or calorie goal too. You can select which playlist you want to listen to and even select a particular song to play at any time during your work as a Power Song for motivation. I was impressed with how user friendly it is! I love having the man speak in my ear and tell me how far I have been and at what pace. I didn't realize how consumed I had been, looking at my watch and being concerned about getting the correct mileage in AND figuring in my mileage back home. With this in my ear, I simply run. The man (or woman), comes in over your music and tells you how fast you are going at each mile. I love being able to just put it in, set a goal and start running! I like hearing my current pace at each mile (or when you press the center button) as it lets me know when I am a little sluggish so I can pick up the pace. There is no need to get the Nike Plus running shoes. If you own an iPod, you should get one. It will make you BE a runner or a walker or a jogger. Simply plug it in and start walking, it is a great motivational tool. I love to chart things and this does that for you too. You can upload all your workouts and set large goals, like marathons and it will plan work outs for you. That is a bit much for me and time consuming. But the ease of this device for my daily runs is just what I have been needing.
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