Laura Steen loves this website. It has great workout Videos where you can learn basic strengthening techniques. Many of them, you can watch once and easily learn the strengthening and toning exercises to do them again on your own at any time. Laura has her computer set up in her workout room and I set my laptop up on the coffee table to best follow along. They are not hard and you can mostly listen to the instructions without having to strain to see the computer. Laura does her workouts in the mornings and I do mine in the afternoons. I used to find these not very productive, but like Laura says, "doing something is better than doing nothing" and these really do work. I am certain that a daily routine of these for a few weeks will yield results! Just the simple act of stretching, breathing and pumping the heart a little does a body good. And most of these are very short 5 minute workouts. www.fitnessmagazine.com
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